There is a new Pampers Gifts to grow code out.
FAC1111PYWFNXRD, good for 10 points
Don’t forget you can now text your codes to 726777 as well
or enter them in on the smartphone app.
These are also some older codes that may or may not work, but worth a try
Please let me know if you run across any that are not on this list or any that are expired.
WELLCABABYEMAIL, good for 10 points
2beginearning10, good for 5 points
Thanks2Veterans, good for 10 points
1FORMEGTGSEPT23, good for 10 points
PAMPERS4MOMSOND, good for 10 points
PUNTOSPARAMI123, good for 10 points
CAREFORNEWBORNS, good for 10 points
GTGCOUPONPOINTS, good for 10 points
GTGTENMONTHCODE, good for 10 points
PUNTOSPARAMI123, good for 10 points
PAMPERSTWITTER5, good for 5 points
GIFTS2GROWBONUS, good for 20 points
LaborDayFB92010, good for 10 points.
HangOn2Summer20, good for 20 points.
GTGFIVEMONTHS10, good for 10 points
WELCOME2PAMPERS, good for 50 points
ENJOYYOURSUMMER, good for 10 points.
GTGSUMMERFUN5PT, good for 5 points
GGTGTENMONTHCODE, good for 10 points
25GTGSUMMER2010, good for 25 points.
15GTGSUMMERFUN, good for 15 points.
GTGGETREADYSOON, good for 15 points.
WELCOME2PAMPERS, good for 50 points
GIFTSTOGROW4MOM, good for 50 points
JOINNOW4REWARDS, good for 50 points
2BEGINEARNING50, good for 50 points
PAMPERS4MOMSOND, good for 10 points
PUNTOSPARAMI123, good for 10 points
CAREFORNEWBORNS, good for 10 points
GTGCOUPONPOINTS, good for 10 points
GTGTENMONTHCODE, good for 10 points
PUNTOSPARAMI123, good for 10 points
PAMPERSTWITTER5, good for 5 points
GIFTS2GROWBONUS, good for 20 points
LaborDayFB92010, good for 10 points.
HangOn2Summer20, good for 20 points.
GTGFIVEMONTHS10, good for 10 points
WELCOME2PAMPERS, good for 50 points
ENJOYYOURSUMMER, good for 10 points.
GTGSUMMERFUN5PT, good for 5 points
GGTGTENMONTHCODE, good for 10 points
25GTGSUMMER2010, good for 25 points.
15GTGSUMMERFUN, good for 15 points.
GTGGETREADYSOON, good for 15 points.
WELCOME2PAMPERS, good for 50 points
GIFTSTOGROW4MOM, good for 50 points
JOINNOW4REWARDS, good for 50 points
2BEGINEARNING50, good for 50 points

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