Went to Wal-mart last night to use the awesome $3/1 hormel party tray coupon that was released on Coupons.com a few days ago.All was going great 8 of the 9 went through fine. Once the 9th was scanned it asked for a CSM. Needless to say there was a wait for the CSM to come over and once she did she refused the coupons saying that they aren't valid coupons and that they are fake. She said that someone uploaded them and that they won't get their money back if she accepts them.
Of course I didn't argue it. They reversed the coupons and handed them back to me.. and I handed them back the hormel party trays and asked they removed them from my order. It was too late and I didn't think I was going to get anywhere with the CSM. It was just easier to walk away from that deal than to deal with the hassle of it..
Now , I know these came off of coupons.com. I know each of my coupons has a valid code and is valid.
I am wondering if anyone else has heard this or had any problems using these coupons or if maybe- just maybe- the CSM didn't want to do an override.

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