Sunday, November 13, 2011

Joys of a 3 year old and the little moments we love

My mom makes the best  holiday treats. 
I really love her peppermint bark so I had to make some myself..

Of course i didn't want the regular broken up pieces so I decided to use cookie cutters and make holiday designs. 

My daughter  loved the idea but was really freaked out when she saw the snowmen and that..

her reaction 
 " mom, where's their eyes and nose, and mouth!" " they gotta have eyes nose and mouth"

so of course we went back to the kitchen to add faces! 

Sometimes it's those little moments that bring a smile to your face.
Plus, it was so much fun having her help me add faces to them, though she was really mad when  there was none left to do. 
Guess I will be making more soon....