Saturday, October 29, 2011

My baby is 3!

Yes you read right!
My baby is 3 today :(
I'm so excited but so sad at the same time!
It is hard to believe it's been 3 years already.
Time has really flown by.

I remember it like it was just yesterday.. finding out I was pregnant, our initial reactions and fears. 
The Dr. appointments that seemed like they would never end.  The  kicking that made me smile.
The midnight cravings for chicken.. Long nights when I held my breath making dinners because I couldnt stand the smell. Or  bringing my husband his plate with the bottle of ranch because I REALLY couldnt stand the smell of ranch.. My body had a physical reaction when I did.. YEP thats right  Ranch dressing literally made me sick.. along with hotdogs.  
Oh hotdogs.. My dad teased me every time I came over .. " What's for lunch....Yeah I was thinking hotdogs" LOL My dad really teased me. It's his way of showing love. 

I was supposed to go in on the morning of Oct 30th to be  induced.  Excited yes .. Prepared NO!

So my plan was get up on the morning on the 29th, pack my hospital bag.. SHH  No I hadn't done it yet.. I told you I wasn't prepared! 

But .. Little did I know. Des had totally different plans for me.. 
I woke up the morning of the 29th  having contractions,, except I didn't know they were contractions LOL..
after 2 baths and it getting worse I called my mom at work " mom, what do contractions feel like"
Oh yes that joyful morning of  "OMG call your doctor" .. Yep that was my mom's reaction..

I was home alone, so My dad came to take me to the hospital..  ( My mom was closer to me, but my dad beat her to me lol)
 Oh I will never forget that ride to the hospital.. It was like 15 minutes away but for me it felt like a year!
 My dad  picked me up in his BRAND NEW Tahoe... Yep just got it  still smelled like a new car..
He repeated over and over  don't let your water break in the truck.. LMAO in between asking me how far apart my contractions were.. I said  IDK 10 minutes or so.. Yeah it was more like 2-3  .. 
I was way far off lol

When I finally got to the hospital, my mom met us there, they forced me into a wheelchair as I told them I would rather walk..  I was already 5cm dilated and a few hours later .. 
I see my beautiful little girl... 

Words still don't express that moment in my life. the feeling that overcame me and the  emotions that just overflowed the room..

Des decided she was coming on her own terms...  boy that hasn't changed much!
She is determined, and bossy.
She has such a big heart. She loves so hard!
She is sweet and funny.
She is mean  and boy does it come naturally.. very honestly too
She is a pawpaw's baby.. Boy if my dad is around.. Nobody else exists in that room!
She is a talker.. will talk til she falls asleep!
She is fussy if you wake her up.. Yep you guessed it .. Just like her momma!
She is set in her  mean ways and wants what she wants when she wants it..
She pushes me to the edge , but always knows how to pull me away from it.
She is my light in the dark.
She is my smile.
She is my life.

Happy Birthday Des. 
Mommy loves you so very much!