Friday, October 28, 2011

free boogie canister fridays- last day

From their facebook page:

"Every week through October 28, 2011 we’re featuring a different retailer where you can purchase our 90-count Boogie Wipes Canister. When you mail in your receipt you’ll get a free one on us!*

It’s really simple – if you shop at any of the retailers below during their EXCLUSIVE week (schedule below) and purchase a canister of Boogie Wipes, you could receive a FREE CANISTER!!! "

9/30-10/7 walgreens

10/7-10/14 walmart

10/14-10/21 target

10/21-10/28 toys R us


Snap a pic of you and your canister in front of the retailer you purchased from, post it on our wall and we'll put a few extra goodies in with your canister! Make sure your facebook name matches the name on the form you sent us.

** you need to visit their facebook page to download the form...