Friday, April 20, 2012

Shopping trip 4/18/12

This is a down week for my household. We didn't need much, but I couldn't resist the Laundry deal at Bi-lo so I had to go get it.. and a few other small things.

2 popsicle products
4 kraft fresh take
2 Jose Ole products
daisy sour cream
5 Jell-O packs
spray n wash
tide stain release
-0.50/1 LOL spread
-2/1 Jell-o x2
-0.75/1 Jell-O x2
-1/2 Jell-O publix cpu x2
-2/1 Jose Ole coupon x2
-2/1 tide
-free tide stain release Publix cpu
-bogo  Kraft fresh take Publix cpu x2
-1/1 Kraft fresh take x2
-1.50/2 kraft fresk take x1
Total spent:$48.60
Total saved:$45.50

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