Its ALOHA FRIDAY @ An Island Life
If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
My question this week is:
How is the New Year going for you so far?
I am in good spirits so far. It has been great, busy but great.
Well let's see... I already lost a day...have trouble remembering things and just wish I could get organized. Need that paper calender for 2012.
So far, the new year has been somewhat stressful for me due to money issues.
The first week has gone by in a blur so far - hubby is having to cover for an instructor and teaches the early morning class and the night class - which means we're functioning on about 4 hours of sleep each night. Needless to say, I'm having major foggy brain modes this week. ;)
Tomato, Tomahto...Pondering Pronunciation
The New Year so far has been great. My husband had some vacation time so we have been having much needed family time. I love it. Great way to start the year.
I shall say it has been interesting and kind of busy and I've already had 1 baking flop,lol. Life is good though!
Not too bad so far. Of course, I am sitting here waiting for a replacement part of the new bunk beds that we just got on Saturday. That could have gone a little differently. Happy New Year to you :)
Push start. Started with depression. meh.
Will make it work! Just need to keep pushing and knowing when to relax.
So far, I'm still as much of a wreck as last year Lol! No where to go but "up" :)
Happy Friday!
Our weather has been sensational. That is all I need!
Have a great Friday.
It's going great now that everyone is back at school and work. HA! Enjoy your weekend!
This first week went by so quickly that I really haven't had a chance to sit down and take a breath!
It's all over the place for me. I'm finally well after being VERY sick for 3 weeks, and we just celebrate our 11th anniv., so that's good... BUT I lost over $600 of someone else's money, which totally eradicates the good part!!!! :(
So far, so good! I feel more open to new things this year than last, and I'm hoping I can carry that throughout the year!
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