Its ALOHA FRIDAY @ An Island Life
If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link here . Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
My question this week is:
How was thanksgiving? Did you have family over?
Mine was great. I Spent most of the day cooking and cleaning but it was great.
We're having ours tomorrow when the teens get home.
I was having extreme angst on Wednesday, still not having shopped for T-day, so we ended up having pizza and sushi instead. We'll do the whole big feast on Christmas instead, when we usually just have finger food. So, it was okay...
We celebrated at home. We use to celebrate with my parents but, they've passed.
Have a great weekend.
We all got together at my sister's house for dinner. Every year we cater the meal from a Waikiki hotel. So much easier for everyone! :-)
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