Roots Only Incorporated is a woman owned business based in CA. They distribute personal applicators and products that simplify home hair care. The applicator is ideal for the application of hair color, conditioning growth oil, and other adhesives for the scalp and roots. They offer products that are affordable but still give you professional results. All Roots Only products are reusable and 100% made in the USA.
While we don't color our hair, I do apply a deep conditioner to our hair. Often times our hair tangles very easy and the conditioner helps with that a lot. The only problem is, it can get really messy when I'm applying it with my hands. Plus, my daughter can't go 5 minutes without touching her hair.. I was hoping Roots Only would help solve this problem for me and was excited to give it a shot!
The before shot!
Yes that's really her hair right after a shower.. and sad to say.. this isn't the worst of it!
Applying the conditioner to her hair/scalp.
Another pic of me applying the conditioner to her hair.
The aftershot from Behind
The after shot from the front.
She was in a playful mood now that mommy is done
While the conditioner was a little hard to squeeze out because it was very thick, it did distribute it evenly.
It wasn't nearly as messy as it is when I have to do it by hand. It rinsed out very easily and left no residue.
It didn't leak, but I wasn't a huge fan of the cap as it didn't secure as I would have liked. I like for lids to close very tightly.. afterall, I have a 2 .. almost 3 year old... She gets into everything So I have to keep lids secure in my house. This lid is one of those that if you tighten too far, it just pops off and you have to screw it back on.
While this may not be a problem for some people, I wasn't a fan of it.
Luckily for me, I wasn't using anything that could stain or ruin anything.
Overall I really enjoyed it. It worked well and I will definitely continue to use it as part of my hair care routine.
It turns out, I received a defective applicator.
I was sent a new one and let me tell you, it works WONDERS!
5 stars!
It turns out, I received a defective applicator.
I was sent a new one and let me tell you, it works WONDERS!
5 stars!
*****Purchase it*****
You can purchase the Roots Only applicator Comb on their website as a single double or triple pack.
Prices range from $5.99 - $15
*****Connect with Roots Only*****
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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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