Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bi-lo Trip 10/25/11

Bi-lo shopping trip 10/25/11
I had to break this up into 4 transactions but here is the overall total

 12 nesquik
10 fab detergent
 26 Dr. Pepper
2 coke
2 packs ground beef
 1 pack pork chops
2 sauce
2 velvetta cheese
1 rice a roni
6 honey
4 bacon bit
2 packs bacon
 5 cheese
2 crackers
2 jolly time popcorn
3 rotel
1 butter
4 chocolate milk
 5 jamba smoothies
2 apple juice
1 OJ
1 cruton
1 salad
2 egg scramble
3 tyson chicken
1 voila meal
1 fries
2 santitas chips
2 lays chips 
1 garbage bag

Total Spent: 179.49
Total saved: 264.39