Its ALOHA FRIDAY @ An Island Life
If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link here . Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
My question this week is:
Are you scared of your kids growing up?
my answer:
Yes !!!!!!!!!
My daughter will be 3 tomorrow!!!!! :(
Double YIKES!
She has grown up so fast on me.. it is scary!
I can't believe how time flies!
Not at all. I would be more afraid of my daugher growing up without me. Now that is something to be scared of.
Happy Friday to you!
I'm stopping by to thank you for hooking up with Friday Friend Connect.
Have a great weekend!
No. I just miss them being little but I love that they are growing well and learning and I would love to see the people they become :)
Happy birthday to your sweetie.
they grow so fast my youngest is 18 years old and it does not seem possible come see my question at http://shopannies.blogspot.com
Oh yeah! I fear the teen years! LOL!
Yes and no - yes, because it's happening way too fast for my liking (I still haven't discovered that 'pause' button...) and no because I can't wait to see what a beautiful woman she'll grow up to be. :) I'm with Menopausal New Mom, though - I'm more scared of her growing up without me. That's a scary thought!!
Halloween - Then and Now
Mine are already grown and have their own families. It's nice.
A part of me can't wait for my girls to grow up so I can see what kind of women they will become. However, I love having them crawling all over me, too.
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