Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wal-Mart trip9/11/11- Getting Paid to shop

I am usually not a Wal-Mart shopper ( not much at all),but..
I had to run to the store today to grab my Sunday Papers...
Plus my husband, my daughter, and myself are all sick so some good OJ was in the works!
and I had a few coupons I knew would be money makers considering Wal-Mart's amazing coupon policy..

Here is my shopping trip

5 OJ (free using $1 coupon)
5 Lemonade (free using $1 coupon)
4 bags carrots ( free + overage using two $5 coupons and two $1 coupons)
2 papers
3 toothpaste (free + overage using $1 coupon)
1 Degree (free + overage using $1 coupon)
1 cold medicine
2 lollipops

I was paid to buy all of the above!
Now that's what I am talking about!