Monday, September 17, 2012

My catalina Didn't Print! OH NO!

If your catalina does not print, you can contact Catalina marketing to get your catalina. It's simple  and fast. You will need to have your receipt and know what offer(s) you were supposed to get. 

Here are the steps to take to contact Catalina Marketing:
1. Head here to Catalina Network Contact Support
2.Choose I didn’t receive a coupon or offer I was expecting.
3.From your store receipt, please enter the 5-digit US zip code where you shopped and press GO.
4. Select the store you shopped at
5.Fill in the offer you were expecting to receive and your contact info as well as any other relevant info.

They will process your information and send your catalina to you through the mail.. It doesn't take long at all. 

The photo above is one I recently had to do and it took about 5 days to get mine in the mail. I was surprised it was so quick!

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